Erie Custom Signs Is Preparing for ISA Sign Expo® 2019

Though Erie Custom Signs attends a number of signage industry events in order to stay up to date on the latest news and advancements, ISA Sign Expo® 2019 is one the team is especially excited for…
Hosted by the International Sign Association (ISA), this year’s show will take place April 23 through April 26 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. As with previous years, ISA Sign Expo® 2019 will provide more than 20,000 attendees with the opportunity to connect with nearly 600 vendors—including Erie Custom Signs.
For those who are curious about ISA Sign Expo® 2019, this signage industry event is designed to help attendees find everything they need to succeed in the graphics, print, and visual communications sphere.
Education is the cornerstone of the show, as attendees are encouraged to take advantage of various learning opportunities offered by experts in sign code legislation, technology, graphic design, and more. Individuals who participate in these educational programs walk away with a greater understanding of what they need to do to ensure their businesses’ growth.
Some notable activities that will be available at ISA Sign Expo® 2019 include the following:
- ISA/Western States Sign Council Golf Tournament
- Lounge & Learn Sessions
- Networking Reception
- Tradeshow
- Game Changer Sessions
- Town Hall Annual Meeting
- And more…
As shown above, the ISA is committed to giving attendees the chance to learn the ins and outs of the signage industry through various means while having fun and connecting with others in the field.
For those who will be in attendance, the tradeshow is certainly worth stopping by each day, as there will be hundreds of businesses there demonstrating how their products and services can make a difference.
During exhibit hours, Erie Custom Signs will be at Booth #1956, showcasing examples of their ADA signage. Individuals will be able to peruse Erie’s product offerings, obtain additional information about partnership opportunities, and ask the team questions about their capabilities. Even those who simply want to meet the team and say hello are welcome to stop by the booth.
To learn more about ISA Sign Expo® 2019, visit their website here: https://www.signexpo.org/.
If you’re unable to attend but are interested in what Erie Custom Signs has to offer, check out their e-commerce store here: https://eriecustomsigns.com/shop/. If you’re in the market for custom signage, you can also request a sample of ADA-compliant signage here: https://eriecustomsigns.com/quote/.