Do You Have ADA Directional Signs in Your Building?

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If your answer to the question above is “No,” “I don’t know,” or “Yes, but they’re not in the best condition,” now is the time to consider your building’s needs in terms of ADA directional signs…

Of course, making sure that your building is set up properly is no easy feat. In fact, there’s so much involved in keeping your facility clean, organized, and up to code that it’s not uncommon for things to fall through the cracks.

However, there’s one particular aspect of your building that should not be overlooked—your signage.

The displays you have hanging throughout your facility play an important role in identifying your organization, providing visitors with valuable information, and guiding individuals throughout the building.

If signage is missing from key areas, it could wind up having a negative impact on customer experience and, more importantly, how people view your organization.

Don’t believe that ADA directional signs could have such an effect? You may be surprised…

Why ADA Directional Signs Are Important

1. They help ensure the safety of those in your building.

Some ADA directional signs, such as exit signs, are put in place to show individuals where to go in case of an emergency. Since such situations are rare, these signs tend to be glanced over during a normal walkthrough of your building. 

However, if an emergency were to occur in your facility, these signs would become the first place people would look to determine where they should go for safety. Without them, you risk putting staff members and visitors in danger.

2. They cut down on rule violations.

Other ADA directional signs, such as no smoking signs and employees only signs, are designed to make rules clear to those in your building.

These displays state to everyone that certain actions are prohibited and certain areas are off limits, thereby cutting down on rule violations.

3. They aid in meeting ADA compliance requirements.

Having ADA directional signs installed in your building can help you meet the requirements for ADA compliance. Of course, there are a number of other factors involved in achieving ADA compliance, but signage is especially crucial.

Moreover, having the right signage in place can make it so that your organization doesn’t incur hefty fines.  

4. They create a welcoming environment for all.

ADA signage in general is designed to provide those with disabilities the same access to your building as those without disabilities.

By ensuring that your ADA directional signs are easy to read, they can help in creating a welcoming environment within your facility. Individuals with visual and/or mobility-related impairments will appreciate the fact that your organization has put forth effort in making your building accessible.

5. They reduce the likelihood of your business getting hit with lawsuits.

While the presence of ADA signage can give visitors a positive impression of your business, a lack of such signage can have the opposite effect.

Even with legislation in place to give businesses the opportunity to address ADA-noncompliance issues, lawsuits are still fairly common. By investing in ADA signage and other accessibility features for your building, you can make sure your organization isn’t vulnerable to potential lawsuits from unhappy visitors or disgruntled employees.

When It’s Time to Invest in New ADA Directional Signs

Given the impact that ADA directional signs can have on your organization, it’s crucial to know when you should think about ordering new displays for your facility.

If you’ve been tasked with keeping your building up to date, you should consider ordering new signage if any of the following apply:

It’s not only important to have ADA directional signs in your building but also vital that the signs you do have achieve their intended purpose.

If your current displays are in poor condition, those within your facility will be unable to get the information they need. And if the signs were originally obtained from a sign shop that doesn’t specialize in ADA signage, they may not meet all requirements for compliance.

Finally, if the signs you have in your building now are outdated, they could interfere with your building’s overall aesthetics and clash with the new brand image you’ve worked so hard to achieve.    

How to Shop for ADA Directional Signs

There are plenty of sign fabricators out there, but few actually have the tools and knowledge to produce ADA directional signs. That’s why the first step in shopping for such signage is to locate a business that has demonstrated their expertise in ADA displays.

Once you’ve narrowed down your list to a few possible options, it’s important to consider your business’ needs and address key questions with each candidate.

  1. Can the sign shop handle quick turnarounds if necessary?
  2. Does the sign shop’s pricing fit your budget?
  3. Is the sign shop capable of producing large-scale orders?
  4. Does the sign shop offer both customized signage and basic displays?

By exploring each sign shop’s website and communicating with their staff, you can ensure that you get the best possible ADA directional signs for your facility.


If you don’t have ADA directional signs in your building, or the ones you do have are in poor condition, it’s in your best interest to order new displays as soon as possible. Doing so can help you avoid expensive fines and lawsuits, as well as create a safe, welcoming environment for everyone who walks through your front doors.

To obtain affordable, prefabricated ADA directional signs, take a look at the options available in our e-commerce shop. And if you’re interested in getting customized signage for your facility, feel free to reach out for a quote.

Filed Under: ADA Signage

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